Botany Taekwon-Do

Dragon, 1st white belt syllabus

Rules of conduct.


Preparation for training

  • Students must make sure they are clean and all nails are cut short for safety reasons.
  • Students should arrive at least 10 minutes before the commencement of class and be prepared both physically and mentally.



Entering the do jang



  • Remove footwear prior to entering the designated training area.
  • Where several people are entering, ensure the senior person or adult is shown the courtesy of entering first.
  • Bow when entering or leaving the do jang.
  • Ensure shoes or other articles are neatly stored in accordance with the wishes of the Instructor.
  • Bow and acknowledge others present in the do jang, which should include firstly the Instructor, the Assistant Instructor, then senior members. Children must acknowledge adults. Similar courtesies should be paid when visiting other martial arts do jang.


Dress for training

  • On arrival, check your do bok and remove all accessories e.g. rings, necklaces, watches, earrings and anything else dangerous.
  • Do bok must always be clean, ironed and worn correctly. It must be in good repair.
  • Students may wear a white singlet or T-shirt under their

         do bok top with the permission of their Instructor.

  • Belts shall be worn by those qualified to wear them, wrapped around the waist once and tied in the correct manner.
  • The correct uniform to be worn is white do bok top with white do bok trousers.

         If the do bok needs to be tidied up, students must turn to the left to adjust.

  • Do bok should not be worn outside the do jang unless on special occasions as specified by the instructor.


Inside the do jang


  • All students should treat each other with courtesy.
  • Students shall address one another courteously, and use titles, e.g. yes Sir, no Ma'am, etc. The Instructor should be addressed as Sir/Ma'am or by his/her surname, preceded by his/her title Mr/Mrs.
  • Questions or answers should end with the appropriate "Sir" or "Ma'am".
  • All instructions issued by the Instructor or senior students within the do jang must be obeyed.
  • When seeking to meet the Instructor or senior, a student should stand at attention and keep alert to the situation at hand until approached or spoken to by the Instructor or senior.
  • The student shall ensure the do bok is well adjusted prior to the meeting.
  • Students must not make any unnecessary noise or disturbance inside the do jang.
  • Students should ensure visitors are treated with courtesy, provided with seating, accompanied and given advice where necessary.
  • Students must ensure their do jang is kept tidy.
  • Eat or drink only at the Instructor's discretion.
  • Students must not leave the do jang without permission of the Instructor.
  • Students must not raise any objection or arguments during training in the do jang.
  • Visiting Instructors or seniors should be acknowledged by all students present upon entering the do jang.
  • Assistant Instructors or other senior members (as indicated by the Instructor), should advise, in advance, their anticipated non-attendance at a training session. This is not only a courtesy but also has practical implications.
  • The junior students present shall be responsible for the setting up and tidying up of equipment each training session. The senior students (other than the Instructor or his Assistant) shall supervise the putting away of equipment by junior students after the completion of training, having regards to the wishes of the Instructor.
  • Visiting students should be formally introduced to the club at the commencement of training.


Student / Instructor Relationship: Students (Jeja)

  • Never tire of learning. A good student can learn anywhere, any time. This is the secret of knowledge.
  • A good student must be willing to sacrifice for his art and Instructor. Many students feel that their training is a commodity bought with monthly dues, and are unwilling to take part in demonstrations, teaching and working around the do jang. An Instructor can afford to lose this type of student.
  • Always set a good example for lower ranking students. It is only natural they will attempt to emulate senior students.
  • Always be loyal and never criticise the Instructor, Taekwon-Do or the teaching methods.
  • If an Instructor teaches a technique, practise it and attempt to utilise it.
  • Remember that a student’s conduct outside the do jang reflects on the art and Instructor.
  • If a student adopts a technique from another do jang and the Instructor disapproves of it the student must discard it immediately or train at the gym where the technique was learned.
  • Never be disrespectful to the Instructor. Though a student is allowed to disagree with the Instructor, the student must first follow the instruction and then discuss the matter later.
  • A student must always be eager to learn and ask questions.
  • Never betray the Instructor.

First WHITE for promotion to first GREEN

STANCES (sogi)

  • Attention stance (charyot sogi).
  • Bow (kyong ye).
  • Walking stance (gunnun sogi).



  • Show forearm blocking tool.
  • Forearm low block

(palmok najunde magki) on the spot.


  • Make a proper fist.
  • Front snap kick (apcha busigi) on the spot.


  • Hold up position of press up for 5 seconds


  • Stomp on board